Posts for Reflections

My Heart is an Open Book


My heart is an open book, Torn open by my story. Tell them you learned the lesson. You’ll learn it every time, You seek completion in the incomplete.   You sought refuge in a straw house. Then when the storm came, You were bare and alone. Exposed. You spent years... Read More

The Stab


Don’t grieve at the stab. It’s only meant to free you. From the chains that bind you to the earth and shackle you to the shadows of people. The mirage of water cannot quench. But is so beautiful to the thirsty. I’m afraid. Of never knowing another life. Different. So... Read More

I have this problem: a reflection on healing

band aid heart 2

I have this problem. Anyone who’s been in my company has probably noticed it. And anyone who knows me can attest to it. A scab cannot exist without me picking it. If there is a scab of any sort, it *must* be picked. And I can’t rest until it is!... Read More

Reclaim Your Heart