Posts for Reflections

On the struggle of life…


A poem I wrote a few years ago… On the struggle of life… By: Yasmin Mogahed   I thought of you today I thought of you and remembered those words you told me In the most perfect way You calmed my beating heart And eased my breath You told me... Read More

Dunya in the heart

When the dunya is presented to the heart, the heart can either reject or accept it. If it accepts it, the heart becomes like a sponge and absorbs it in. Now, getting the dunya out of the heart takes the same process as getting ink out of a sponge: painful... Read More



Stillness By: Yasmin Mogahed The sun is so beautiful in the early morning. It does something to the trees that you don’t see any other time of the day. I think we all want the same thing: A quiet peace. Maybe just even a single moment of it. To close... Read More

Reclaim Your Heart