Posts for Spouse

Why do people have to leave each other?


Why Do People Have to Leave Each Other? Part I | Part II When I was 17 years old, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was sitting inside a masjid and a little girl walked up to ask me a question. She asked me: “Why do people have to... Read More

People leave each other. But do they return?


  Why Do People Have to Leave Each Other? Part I | Part II Leaving is hard. Losing is harder. So a few weeks ago I asked the question, ‘why do people have to leave each other?’ The answer took me into some of my life’s deepest realizations and struggles.... Read More


“Some think love without Attachments means being cold towards the Creation. On the contrary, it is the warmest kind of love. When you love for the sake of the nafs, the source of love is limited. To give is to become depleted. So you are always needy and dependent. When... Read More

Reclaim Your Heart