I Grieve

I Grieve By: Yasmin Mogahed I lifted my head Once more Only to see The sun had set, The trees had slept, And they’d all gone home I grieve. The sky that was clear is now covered with fog. My path, I no longer see. Why try…when... Read More
I Grieve By: Yasmin Mogahed I lifted my head Once more Only to see The sun had set, The trees had slept, And they’d all gone home I grieve. The sky that was clear is now covered with fog. My path, I no longer see. Why try…when... Read More
All the voices have hushed to a whisper now. The sounds have slept. I rest here in the cocoon of my heart, Waiting for its’ deliverance. They made you think your pain was small. Small to Him… Because it was small to them. Your pain is not small to Him.... Read More
Nameless By: Yasmin Mogahed There’s salvation in admitting defeat. The peace of prostration. Just stay still in that position, With your head lowered. Freeze. Wait. Stay humbled. Wait. Stay lowered. Until He raises you. They’ve searched the world for what can be found in the quietest corners of a room.... Read More