That is Loyalty

When they slept, He was awake. When they broke, He held you up. When every means failed, He saved you. When all the creation left you, He remained. He always remains. Never forget when the storms pushed you to your knees and there was no one else who could help you, He carried you. When you were broken and you swore this time it couldn’t be fixed—never forget who fixed it. Never forget what He saved you from. Never forget how He put you back together. That moment when you felt helpless and alone, never forget who never left. To forget this is the greatest heedlessness. No matter who or what may be beside you now, never forget those moments when it was only Him. Only Him. That is loyalty.
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Tagged: Featured, Journal, Overcoming Hardships, Quotes, Spirituality, With the Divine, Yasmin's Online Journal
Salaam Yasmin, I contacted you by email. Barakallahoefiek
Absolutely true and immensely thought provoking. Mashallah.
Assalamualaikum. I can relate this article of yours. Theres one day that i’m so lost and helpless, theres no one around me to talk to, theres no one near me i can count to, literally. I felt so down but everybody is so busy with their own life and family that i didnt even have heart to tell them my problems. That is the moment where i seek Him, poured everything to Him.And that is one day i promised to myself, that when i dont have everyone i have Him and i wont forget that day.
I love this! I am going through a really hard time right now on making a decision to leave a bad relationship. There is a part of me that is scared on leaving even though I know leaving will bring me peace. I have wrote this down and will read it everyday. Mashallah
were in the same situation,..but until now i can’t let go of this person, i don’t know how and when.
i’ve let go of someone,and it hurts for sure, but I just remember surah yusuf and i try and stay patient and ask Allaah.
can i share this to my friends?
ur wods truly inspires me~~~
Yes, of course.
may i ask you a question about your writing in twiter from here?
I gotta confess…every time I read this and reflect on it…I cry.
Me too