Demanding payment for the gift
Imagine receiving a gift that you never say ‘thank you’ for. Over time, you forget that you were given the gift and start believing that it belonged to you all along. But then your delusions take on a more intense form. You start believing that it was actually *you* who gave the gift to the Giver. And then you begin to arrogantly demanding payment for it. You and I do this with God. Your service of Him is His greatest gift to you. Your deeds are not a gift from you to God. They are a gift from God to you. And yet He rewards for it! So if you’re able to serve Him, be eternally thankful–not demanding. Humble, never arrogant.
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Tagged: Journal, Poetry & Fiction, Quotes, Yasmin's Online Journal
Mashallah sister. Your approach on everything always amazes me.
Thank you for the reminder Can I please share this in my blog?
Yes, of course
subhanAllah, JazakAllahukhair for the reminder, it is so beautiful to see everything as agift, to not feel proud of good deeds and always remember they are a blessing to us….thank you for the wise words. may Allah guide us all Ameen.
If He chooses you for His service,for that itself you should be grateful to Him. Whether your services are accepted or not is totally a different matter.Always be hopeful that He may accept them if done with sincerity.
Salam sister.. my mom and elder sister often mention your name and ‘quoting’ from you. Today, for the first time in my life, I googled up your name and found your posts in huffington and proceeded to your website. What you’ve written inspires me and I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us. Is there a way to contact you through email as I am very much interested in your writing and would like to discuss further with you the possibility of including your work into my research? Thank you. And may Allah continue to bless you with great observations and insights. Salam