A Reflection on Love

By: Yasmin Mogahed
All of this love. Every piece. Every part of all the love in this world. The love they make poems with. The love of spellbinding novel. The love in songs. The love they tried to capture in a movie. The love of a mother for her child, of a child for her father. The love that liberates. The love that enslaves. The love you win. The love you lose. The love you chase. The love you live for. The love you know you’d die for. The love that makes men bleed. The love that swords have killed for. The love of fairytales and tragedy.
It is all just a reflection.
An echo. Of one single Source. Of a single love that you know, and I know, because we knew it before we could know. We were loved before we could love. You were given before you could give or know what it was to give. It is the love that your heart was created to know. It is the love that creates and sustains all love. It is the love that was before—and will remain after all else has passed away.
It is the love that was before…and will remain after all echoes have passed away.
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Tagged: Before Marriage, Featured, Journal, Marriage & Family, Other, Parents, Poetry & Fiction, Quotes, Reflections, Relationships, Spiritual Purification, Spirituality, Spouse, With the Divine, Yasmin's Online Journal
Awesome :)))
beautiful, moving. Jazakom Allahu khairan. Truly an inspiration to read during hard times. Alhamdulillah. May Allah swt reward you
awesome line; We were loved before we could love. You were given before you could give or know what it was to give. !
Profound. SubhanAllahil Azeem! May Allah make us able to feel His Love for us, and make us His true lovers.
I have never connected those two thoughts together! It’s beautiful!
MashAllah again sister you took the words out of my mouth subhanallah allaho akbar how the believers are like one body…Lately I have been reflecting upon the fact that we must love ourselves before we can love other other people but in some way that did not make sense as I felt …How can we learn to love ourselves if we did not have anybody who taught us that unconditional love and most of the time thats our biological mother our first teacher who teaches us what true love is and thats why paradise is under mothers feet…Perhaps Allah Put His Unconditional love into all womens heart so it could be given to innocent newborn babys and that way through our mother we learn unconditional love and that allah loves us loved us before we were born and by knowing this remembering this being grateful for allahs love for us we can love ourselves and then other people inshaAllah
Asalamalaikum. I haven’t been able to read everything that you write but whatever little I have, it has really inspired me. There’s just this problem I have which I cannot discuss with anyone, neither is there anyone I know who is wise enough to be able to advise me. I am a teenage girl living in UAE, the eldest of my three siblings. Recently, I came across something wrong, related to my mother. Something that she shouldn’t have been doing.. I am really stressed, shocked and lost. I haven’t told a single soul about it even though I crave to lift this burden off my heart.. what should I even do? My mother doesn’t know either, that I am aware of her secret, if it is one..
Salaam. I had a question regarding my parents and this is causing a lot of problems for me. I come from a muslim family and have always (or mostly) obeyed my parents throughout my life. I got married to the man of their choice too, and everything in my marriage is great alhumdullilah. However, since we have gotten married, my parents tend to interfere and insult my husband at every opportunity possible. He makes a halal earning, thanks to Allah, we have children, and I have no complains from him as a husband, etc. We are the average american family and my parents do not fail to remind my husband that he has a wife who was a millionaire’s daughter. They insult him to the point that I have seen my husband shed a tear or two because they pointed at his character and said he was a low-life (he does not drink, gamble, clubs, etc). Like I said, we are a normal family and they keep creating problems for him. A few weeks back, they came out and accused him of being bad towards my siblings and their children, unfortunately, I was present in that gathering and had to tell my parents they were wrong. Why they come up with such accusations is beyond me. My siblings have a lot to do with them brainwashing my parents because I have found a way to stay happy in the little (or enough for me) that I have. My husband puts no pressure on me for anything and I can do whatever I like in my home. At this point, my siblings and parents have chosen to break all relations with me until I make my husband realize “his mistakes” (which till this day we do not know) and apologize to the family. I have taken a stand with my husband but someone inside have a guilty conscious for not being obedient, not to mention, a part of the family anymore. What do I do?
Dear Zunaira,
It is a huge sin to come between husband and wife. And it doesn’t make a difference *who* is committing that sin. It’s still a sin. You should not feel guilty for standing up for what’s right. It is *not* obedience to all your family to cause problems for you and your husband. In fact, you need to do all you can to stop them from what they are doing.
May Allah make it easy for you and your husband.
Dear Zunaira,
It is a huge sin to come between husband and wife. And it doesn’t make a difference *who* is committing that sin. It’s still a sin. You should not feel guilty for standing up for what’s right. It is *not* obedience to allow your family to cause problems for you and your husband. In fact, you need to do all you can to stop them from what they are doing.
May Allah make it easy for you and your husband.
sis, i really love your writing.. its amazing.. =)